Monday, September 28, 2015

How has the digital age revolutionized war and peace?

             It is hard to define one thing I would like to learn about the digital world. Technology has always been a major part of my life, ever since my parents let me get my hands on a Commodore 64 when I was just a little boy. I was quick to understand computers and in the early days of networks I was eager to learn how to connect them together, so that I may play games with my friends. When the internet stared to become more available I witnessed many changes occur in society and I knew we were entering a new age.

            My main focus in school has been networking and security. I recognize that as the world becomes more interconnected with our advancement in communications, we become more vulnerable. The digital age has made it difficult to keep up with those who would wish to use their skills with malicious intent. That is where psychology and sociology become important. Information security is like warfare and you need to know your enemy. That is a fact that has been embraced by our world leaders as the Unites States, Russia, China, and many other countries have developed programs for cyber-warfare and espionage. These nations are constantly attacking and spying on each other covertly, using hackers as their soldiers and malicious software as their armament.

              Along with this new form of battle, we gain a new form of protest. The days of standing in front of city hall with picket signs has evolved. With the increase cyber-shaming and activism groups like Anonymous, the digital world has become a political battleground, where people use the internet to fight for their beliefs. The actions of these groups has led to many things, such as revolution in Egypt and the provision of virtual private networks in China that afford its citizens the internet freedom their government denies.

              As we make advancements with technology and communications at an ever increasing rate, it becomes a virtual arms race to stay current. It will be interesting to see how these arenas continue to change and what the next age will be.

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